The EOS 5D Mark II full frame sensor and high resolution, continuous shooting up to 3.9 fps and the high ISO range. The innovative approach allows you to record full HD video
21.1MP full frame CMOS sensor
ISO up to 25,600
Video recording Full HD (1080, 30 B / s)
3.0-inch VGA LCD with Live View mode
At 3.9 fps (JPEG)
9-point AF + 6 Help AF points
Magnesium alloy
I was taking pictures for 6 years as an amateur ambitious. My journey started with digital SLR cameras, the Canon 10D to 30D, it was, time for the 5D, the 5D Mark II update, I looked forward, even if there are things to improve the 5D is already good. When we also need to be clear, renewed the Canon 5D Mk II, is not at all.
The question of whether to buy a full frame or APS-C or H-format, each must decide for themselves. I mostly portraits, fashion, street, travel and architecture. Sports and animals in nature, so it's very fast and / or distant objects, are with me the exception. Therefore, decided several years ago for the full-frame 5D, and the series.
After 2 weeks of intensive testing with the 5D Mark II, here's my review and some comparisons in 5D Classic:
After extraction, and is now the first positive impression of usehaptik GES?. The camera feels strong and grip than its predecessor. It is probably due to the grooves of the housing trivalent magnesium. Turn the wheel to have more endurance and racing's richest book. To ensure the welfare of measuring the improvement of the quality of the news for protection against moisture. The CF card door is always plastic, but lock in a better and more extremes of a continuum. The control buttons have changed little in its position and function. So the light display near the shutter release button (for me as logical to use) and press "Delete" and now the last button on the control buttons on the left of the screen and slide. (Warning to all ex-5D user, the location where the show "the image is" essential. KEYB Please hurry, or the photos are here!)
The depth has been moved laterally under the lock on the target. Although it allows greater ease of use, while the blow, but something told me that the problems on the performance of the device in Live View mode, as can be easily pressed. Aquí, todavían estoy acostumbrando an otra operación de la cámara.
In addition to seeing the Senate (LCD), which now, finally, the ISO is shown (and now also in the hole!) Has been installed, large and razor sharp 3 "screen. That alone is almost reasoning enough for ' update. 's brilliant, accurate color, and are still very good. The automatic brightness controls on the screen for different ambient light is also useful. The menu structures is divided into different folders, so for me a logical and easy to use . The number of adjustment options with additional features are also developed.
In direct comparison with me, as the new 5D viewfinder better. I consider myself a bit 'bigger, brighter and with better coverage of the image. Especially when you wear glasses, I am pleased with the improvement since the field of the lens limited vision anyway (the distance between the viewer).
Autofocus and measurement:
Not here, the 5D Mark II has really changed. The AF seems to be the same as the 5D. This is a very common criticism of knowledge, because there was no improvement. It would be an improvement in AF know object (for example, near the center, with other data such as points of cross-type sensors), but in my field of activity was sufficient 5D AF always sufficient and necessary, as most use the sensor in the center of my work. Here, Canon takes a different path of the Nikon AF treated as professionals and amateurs. Canon refers instead to a different camera, as the professional 1D Mark III, 50D, or less, better AF, faster continual shooting mode.
New Canon 5D, but the correction of microlensing data. This can be very different from the focal point of the lens is correct (front or back focus). I took my time and slow einjustiert. And, in particular the slow light, which have only a very narrow opening between home, more accurate results! Moreover, while the Live View function, examination of the importance of reliable indication of the sharpness.
Exposure seems to be identical to the old 5D. I found the Mark II as accurate as I am used to. White balances, however, AIM slightly improved. Inside, I have the little 'more exact values, but this is now a feeling and not a scientific comparison.
Cleaning the sensor:
Finally, the new 5D! Very often I have a way to change lenses a few grains of dust on the sensor. The opinion is so that when you look at home with the landscape design or architecture (opening) on the screen. Cloning and dust grains up to 300 photos is very boring. The 5D MK II is an automatic cleaning mechanism that shakes, dust particles are those of the probe. I had no traces of dust visible in my photos.
ISO options are incredible. Mark II can display the ISO from 50 to 25,600. And a wide range of this field is really useful. I try, if possible and appropriate to shoot at ISO 100. Here, the contrast and post-processing potential is greater. However, up to ISO 1600 are actually are very good results (correct exposure) achieved, which can be printed large. ISO 3200, I think also surprisingly good and totally useable. Some tests give impressions A4 standard ISO 6400 which recorded a noticeable loss of quality. For 10 X 15 photos, but still quite reasonable and preferable at any time by a blurred image. Called 12,800 and ISO 25600 (H1 and H2 of the camera) is better than no photo and a little more usable format. But please do not expect miracles!
ISO 50 (L) is more suitable for extremely bright or study situations where flash can not move enough, or if you need longer exposure times to produce the blur and no neutral density filter on hand.
21 MP ... In fact, I am not a friend of pixel madness that has become common in recent years as vermeindlich of quality? Tsinda for digital cameras. However ultimately this is how the pixels can be represented dissolve (color, dynamic range, noise) and as such pixel color transparent, distortion-free image can be?
I was really jumping 12-21 megapixel worry, because now 75% of the pixels have to share space on the chip without disturbing others. Fortunately, this concern was unfounded! The resolution, color rendition and dynamic range Excite me, the 5D Mk II, but much slower Vollformatkamera lens and 21 megapixel camera is ideal for showing the effective resolution of detail.
Unfortunately, many photographers tend to follow the best cameras to take root, but then save these goals. A good goal would be decade, a digital SLR camera body, but only about 3-5 years. A comparative tests with a good zoom is really scary. Compare to high-quality Canon 70-200 f / 4 L IS images look as if someone had smeared Vaseline on the front of the lens. Not always Canon "L" lenses, but with the zoom f / 4 Canon L series has very good hands, if you do not need the maximum intensity (I am absolutely delighted with these: 17-40, 24 -105 (very similar to "Ride On" and recommend Reiseobjektiv) and 70-200). But even without a fixed focal length "L" to make a good impression (50mm f/1.4, 85mm f/1.8, 100mm f/2.8 macro).
The jump from 12-21 megapixels in real terms, a picture size of the production of 100% compared to "only" has about 1 / 3 lengths of greatest advantage. Expression with 12 megapixels and, for example 100 x 66 centimeters equivalent to 21 megapixels 150x100cm () for the selected resolution.
Image results:
The photographic results to convince the state of the sensor and processor technology. The resolution of detail (IS) lenses with an incredulous sound! And the ability to edit RAW files much larger than the old 5D.
However, the result of my concerns only the images that were photographed in RAW mode. JPG persuading results, is not enough detail in dark areas are a little 'muddy (too much noise?).
I recommend everyone to take his picture always in RAW. The files are larger, but the purchase of expensive camera as a high quality and does not guarantee results in a format like JPG Verlusstbehafteten.
And with a decent photo software such as Apple Aperture and Adobe Lightroom 2 is the treatment and management of the means of RAW also much easier.
The video is a nice feature that I think this has influenced my decision to buy, though. While it is great addition to the relatively heavy camera equipment do not even need to bring a camera, but with a normal film camera spontaneous or family holiday replaces the 5D II is not for me. It begins with the ergonomic burden on the video and control are still insufficient contrast AF. Even if you can now buy a full frame sensor and high-quality lenses for the film to watch quality films but also the lens to manual focus ring the little tight, but it is sometimes desirable act (thanks to the sensor and lens aperture may be the depth of 'very weak influence, sometimes much better than compact cameras, but as a precise control of FMD is more important because other films that focus on output. Since the great benefits of HD) Resolution no. Built-in microphone transmits sound from the SI (if any) and the zoom or focus and must be completed with an external microphone.
However who wants to enjoy a film, CAN) with a tripod, an external microphone and the exercise itself, the manual focus very concrete results (see website for sharing video or Canon.
The 5D Mark II is the 5D classic logical and coherent. Faster, better screen and viewfinder, and the convenience of cleaning the sensor or the Live View mode, the round-video output packet. The resolution and color reproduction of images in RAW mode are simply outstanding, from the perspective of today, and at this price, with good goals.
Canon continues its pattern of politics, and not everything that is technically possible to build the 5D Mark II. This remains the flagship of the series 1Ds reserved. The 5D Mk II, but is also 70% less than the 1Ds Mk III. Selon l'objectif of caméRa que vous avez à faire de petites concessions à La mise au point automatique, peut-être, ou de décider, mais pour le modèle, qui est le principal domaine d'application est le mieux à la couverture photographique.
With these technological advances, we must not forget that this is still the photographer who takes pictures of good or less good. The 5D Mark II is not a panacea and is used only in well-trained hands can achieve exceptional results.
In general, my assessment of my views and my goal in high school 1 --
+ Better Housing
+ Best view
+ Much better view
+ Bessres control menu
+ Sensor Cleaning
Microadjustment + AF Lens
+ Live View
+ 3 custom function memory
+ Very high resolution lenses with a good
+ Color and dynamics in the RAW files are larger than the 5D
+ Behavior ISO 1-1.5 stops better noise
+ Ability for video professionals
- AF is enhanced by a new type of sensors rec
- AF mode video memory (Kontrastbasier because the mirror is a backup)
- Auto ISO can not be classified correctly
- ISO does not seem very accurate. I suspect that ISO 200 is actually quite 150th Window is a small room. The old 5D is near the true value.
PS I have no problem with firmware 1.06 and found no errors in the border area. An update to FW 1.07, I did.
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